Trusted Midtown Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy & Pain Relief » 44th Street Health and Wellness
Trusted NYC Pain Relief, Physical Therapy & Massage Therapy serving Midtown East at 535 5th Avenue, Suite 906 New York, NY 10017 Contact us at 212-973-8299
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Physical Therapy
The Physical Therapy staff at 44th Street Health & Wellness is committed to individualized care and attention at every level of rehabilitation. Our primary goal is improving our patients’ quality of life. Every PT session is one-on-one and is customized to each patient’s unique needs, abilities and objectives. Our team collaborates with our patients to design a treatment and exercise plan best suited to an individual’s recovery goals and overall wellbeing. We also accommodate our patients’ busy schedules with late appointment times and less waiting time so that your treatment can seamlessly fit into your lifestyle. Our staff focuses on restoring function, stretching and strengthening the body, improving posture and increasing flexibility.
• Joint mobilization
• Passive Stretching
• Therapeutic Exercise
• Ultrasound Therapy
• Kinesiology Taping
• Soft-tissue mobilization, myofascial & trigger point
• Neck and Back Pain
• Sprains and Strains
• Tendonitis
• Rehabilitation after surgery
• Exercise and sports-related injuries
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What is physical therapy?
Physical therapy is a type of therapy designed to help a patient with various physical problems that cause pain and limitations, especially in body movements. The purpose of therapy is to alleviate the symptoms associated with the problem and improve the patient’s overall physical condition. In most cases, Dr. Dovlatyan will schedule physical therapy sessions on a regular basis so that the patient can gradually build strength over time.
When is physical therapy beneficial?
Physical therapy can be beneficial to many different types of patients. For example, patients who have lost mobility or function because of an accident or injury can often benefit from physical therapy. Patients who struggle with chronic pain can also reduce their symptoms by participating in physical therapy on a regular basis. Physical therapy is also useful for patients who want to reduce the risk of future injuries.
Are there risks?
All treatments come with risks. However, 44th Street Health & Wellness has a long history of providing safe, effective physical therapy to patients. Patients who follow instructions both during physical therapy sessions and at home shouldn’t develop any complications because of the therapy. In fact, most patients begin feeling better after their first few physical therapy sessions.